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Llama (Lama glama)

Llama is a mammal of the Camel family.

It is mainly spread in Latin America as a domestic mammal. It is traditionally associated with Peru and the stock-breeding of Incas. Llamas are used for wool, milk, meat and as pack animals. It is supposed to have been domesticated 4-5 thousand years ago and descended from the wild guanaco llama.

Physical features

Apart from the fact that they are social animals and like living in herds, nowadays they are only known as domestic animals. The height at the withers is about 115 cm and they weigh 80-100 kg. They are covered with long, coarse wool, which is variously colored: plain - white, rusty, black, dark brown and mottled. If the llama feels threatened, it is very possible that it will begin to "spit" stomach contents.


Lifestyle and nutrition

The population of Peru and Bolivia breed llamas in the high plateaus and obtain milk, meat and wool. The llama is also used as a pack animal. Its sexual maturity occurs after the age of 2-3. Its pregnancy lasts 11 months. It usually gives birth to one cub, which suckles by the mother for 4-5 months. The llama lives 15 years on average. In zoos, llamas are well acclimatized and they often produce offspring.
